At Dashflix, we believe in the importance of respecting the intellectual property rights of content creators and owners. As such, we want to make it explicitly clear that Dashflix does not store, host, or distribute any files on our server. Our platform operates by linking to various media content that is hosted on third-party services.
Our model is one of aggregation, not distribution. We simply provide a service that makes it easier for users to find and access media content in one convenient location. The actual content, however, is hosted, controlled, and managed entirely by these third-party services. This means that any media files users access through our platform are not stored, copied, or distributed from our server at any point.
This approach ensures that we are not directly involved in the distribution of content, but rather we are simply facilitating access to it. The content remains the property of its respective owner and any issues regarding copyright infringement or illegal content should be directed towards the service that is hosting the content.
We take allegations of copyright violations very seriously and we are committed to complying with applicable copyright laws. If you believe that anything on our website constitutes an infringement of your copyright, please notify us immediately and we will take appropriate action.